The London Sinfonietta are putting on a night of live music and film on the 9 February at the Southwark Playhouse as part of their week-long residency there. On the 9th, their principal violinist Jonathan Morton will give his third performance of my Études Nos. 3 & 4 for solo violin, to be accompanied by a new film made by...

The BBC Philharmonic Orchestra are in their studios in Manchester next week recording my new piece Sonnet Machine for radio broadcast, conducted by Andrew Gourlay. It will first be first heard in concert on the 23 April at Manchester's Bridgewater Hall, alongside Prokofiev's Romeo & Juliet and other new pieces by Nina Whiteman, Aaron Parker, Chiu-Yu Chou and Daniel Kidane. Tickets...

Darragh Morgan and Mary Dullea will give the London premiere of Limp at a concert of (mostly) British music at The Forge on Monday 7 December. The concert will also include world premieres by James Weeks, Roger Redgate, Emily Howard and Charlotte Bray, and repeat performances of music by Michael Hersch and Ryan Latimer. As two thirds of the Fidelio...

'Encounters with British Composers', a new book by Andrew Palmer, contains interviews with around 40 British composers on how they work, how they live, and what, if anything, 'British music' is. There's an interview with me from about 18 months ago inside (that's me second from the left on the bottom row of the cover), alongside interviews with many more...

Later this month I am spending a week at LOD Muziektheater in Ghent, Belgium, at an opera-writing course called 'Looking Forward/Looking Back'. It's being run by the ENOA network of European opera academies, and led by playwright Martin Crimp. This is the second opera workshop I've attended with Martin, after a week with ENOA last year at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence. Also...

I have been commissioned by London Sinfonietta to write a new piece for 15-piece chamber orchestra, to be performed by the Sinfonietta conducted by Martyn Brabbins at St John's Smith Square on 1 June 2016. The concert is programmed around the world premiere of Harrison Birtwistle's Duets in a Frame, and also features Francisco Coll's Liquid Symmetries and Tansy Davies' Falling...