Video, Audio, and a Busy Week Ahead

Violinist Michael Jones and an ensemble of eleven University of Manchester students recorded Acheronta Movebo on Wednesday. You can now see a video of the performance, which I was very pleased with:

Of course, that video will live in the Video section, and the audio has been put in the composition’s page in the Works & Audio section. I’ve also put up recordings of Sarah Hill performing Two Études for Solo Violin, and some extracts from the score I did for Sinbad, a play done at the Camden Roundhouse in Summer 2009. Just click on the names to hear them at their respective pages…

And so onwards to other things – on Thursday I talk about my dissertation at the Martin Harris Centre at an Undergraduate Musicology Forum at 15.30. Then on Friday the Raise Your Voice Collective perform Avian Riots at 20.00 at Centro Bar in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, as part of the Fu­tur­eEverything Fest­ival Show­case. Lastly, on Sunday, we travel to the York Spring Festival to perform The Candle as part of the Conference & Collaboration Weekend. The free concert will see various student compositions from around the country, and is in the Jack Lyons Concert Hall from 15.30.

Phew…now you’re up to date…